Effective psychological Treatment for BPD: an e-learning program for mental health workers and service providers to help you gain the knowledge and skills to provide evidence-based treatment and support to the person with BPD and their family/carers.
This e-learning program requires completion of 5 modules.
Each module takes approximately 60 minutes. The program will automatically save and keep track of where you are up to.
Read the information, watch the videos, answer the questions and read the linked resources. A certificate of Completion will be issued following completion of the modules and passing a multiple choice test.
The Foundation wishes to acknowledge Project Air Strategy for Personality Disorders as the authors of this e-learning program particularly their development team, Kayla Steele, Dr. Ely Marceau, Dr. Michelle Townsend & Prof. Brin F.S. Grenyer, Spectrum Personality Disorder service for Victoria for review and the National Mental Health Commission for supporting this Strategy
The second stage of this activity is the Identification of BPD Champions with appropriate knowledge, skills and to undertake Stage 3 which will be comprised of face to face intensive workshops, and a Train the Trainer Program.
For any IT problems please contact Project Air or for other feedback please contact the Australian BPD Foundation