Young carers are children or young people up to 25 years of age, who help care in families where someone has an illness, a disability, a mental health issue or who has an alcohol/drug problem.
If you are a young carer you may help care for a parent, a sibling, a child or a grandparent, or even other relatives or a friend
You might help out with cleaning or cooking, getting a relative or a friend about the house, helping with medicines, keeping them safe, showering or dressing them or just watching out to make sure they are okay
A series of 4 videos produced by Merri Health
Young Carers - For Families
Young Carers - For Professionals
Young Carers - For Children
Young Carers - Mum and Me
Carers Gateway: Am I a Young Carer? Brochure.
Information for Children about BPD
The Australian BPD Foundation in collaboration with Rose Cuff, parents and staff from The Bouverie Centre have developed a information booklet for children which may be downloaded here
Caring for my mum with BPD: Lucy’s story: Lucy was just 10 years old when she first started to realise that her family situation was a bit different to others.
COPMI (Children of Parents with a Mental Illness)
.. a comprehensive website offering information for young people, parents & families and professionals about mental illness. Includes a number of books to read to young children to help explain mental illness.
Satellite Foundation: (Vic) supporting children and young people aged 8 - 25 who have family living with mental health challenges.
Kookaburra Kids: supports kids living in families affected by mental illness. The program provides recreational, educational camps and other activities, giving kids a break, in a fun, positive and safe environment. Kids have the opportunity to meet other kids in similar families and develop new friendships.
emerging minds: advancing mental health of infants, children and adolescents dedicated to advancing the mental health and emotional wellbeing of Australian infants, children, adolescents and their families.
Site includes a number of helpful fact sheets:
Communicating with your baby during adversity or tough times
Communicating with your toddler during adversity or tough times
Communicating with your primary school age child during adversity or tough times
Communicating with your teenager during adversity or tough times
Also refer to our list of suggested Children's books
Young Carers Network (YCN)
The YCN is a nationally coordinated resource to raise young carer awareness, provide information, and direct young carers to appropriate pathways for support.
We work to enable young carers to engage with each other through a range of opportunities to share and connect.(NB Not specific for mental health)
1800 55 1800 - telephone support line available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. For children and young adults up to 25.
Webchat, email counselling and information available on their website a website for young people and covers a whole range of topics. It includes a forum where you can discuss your issues with other young people. Info, chat, forums, apps and phone support
A free guide filled with many easy-to-follow strategies for parents and activities for kids. It’s designed to help develop positive relationships, strengthen mental health and build resilience and self-awareness. (Developed by Children's Health Service Qld & Emerging Minds) NB Need to register to download resource