A guide to Accessing Services for BPD in Queensland had been developed by the Australian BPD Foundation and is available for free download as a pdf. CLICK HERE
There are 8 main ways to begin your search for information and services in Queensland. Some resources are only available online. Wherever possible we have listed a phone number.
1. Urgent care
If you or a person you support and care for require an emergency response:
• Call 000 or 106 for national relay service
• Go to your local hospital or
• 1300 MHCALL (1300 64 2255) Access Line
• Other Helpline or Information Lines are listed at the end of this directory.
2. Contact Queensland Mental Health Access Line 1300 MH CALL (1300 64 22 55) available 24/7
This free service is provided by Queensland Mental Health Service and can be your first point of contact for providing support, information, advice and referral if you need immediate care for mental distress.
1300 MHCALL will link you to your nearest Queensland Public Mental Health Service.
Other possible Helpline or Information Lines are listed on page.
3. Contact your General Practitioner (GP)
GPs are a good starting point for someone seeking diagnosis, treatment or other supports for their lived experience of borderline personality disorder (BPD). A GP can assist you with facilitating a referral to a public mental health service or a private psychiatrist, psychologist or private hospital clinic. Information about finding a GP if you do not have one you know can be found at: https://healthengine.com.au/find/gp/QLD/
4A. Hospital Based Mental Health Services
Queensland Health is based on geographical areas, often referred to as the Hospital and Health Service (HHS) preceded by the relevant area.
The nature and availability of services in each HHS varies. The best way to establish a referral and availability of specific service is through contact with your GP or 1300 MHCALL (1300 64 2255) Access Line or the following site: https://www.qld.gov.au/health/services
To find out which area you are in go to the map of Hospital and Health Services in QLD https://www.health.qld.gov.au/maps.
4B. Non-Government Community Mental Health Services
There are many services funded by the State and Federal governments to provide community mental health and wellbeing supports to help people live their best life. The following is not an exhaustive list and many more may be found via Head to Health.
QUIHN - Provides health, including mental health, services for people who use drugs and alcohol throughout Queensland. Tel: 1800 172 076.
4C. Primary Health Networks (PHN’s)
Primary Health Networks (PHNs) are federally funded to support GPs to serve as first point of contact for people and to subsidise private allied health professionals offering counselling under GP mental health treatment plans. They also fund specialised mental health community support to people with a broad array of mental health needs to live their best life.
Here are their service directories across Queensland:
Brisbane North Tel: (07) 3630 7300
Brisbane South Tel: 1300 467 265
Gold Coast Tel: (07) 5635 2455 http://www.healthygc.com.au
Darling Downs and West Moreton Tel: (07) 4615 0900
Western Queensland Tel: (07) 4573 1900
Central Queensland, Wide Bay, Sunshine Coast Tel: (07) 5456 8100 http://www.ourphn.org.au/
Northern Queensland Tel: (07) 4034 0300
For local information you can consult a local GP or call directly to the Primary Health Network (PHN) or 1300 MH CALL (1300 64 22 55).
5. Private inpatient and outpatient services
Some private hospitals throughout Queensland have inpatient and outpatient clinics which offer specific services for people living with BPD, their families, carers and supporters. The types of assessments, services and costs vary as such. it is recommended that contact is made directly with the hospital.
6. Private health professionals Please refer to our listing of searchable databases
» Psychiatrists (Private)
A range of private psychiatrists practice throughout QLD and can be found on the Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) website below. A GP referral is required to access a psychiatrist. Medicare will cover part of the costs of consulting a psychiatrist https://www.yourhealthinmind.org/find-a-psychiatrist
» Allied Health (private):
There are many allied health professionals who can provide a range of treatments and supports including: psychologists, social workers, occupational therapists, and counsellors. Check with the individual therapist to determine their ability to support people living with BPD. A mental health care plan from the GP may assist with access to funding through Medicare for some services – check with the therapist.
» Social Workers
Australian Association of Social Workers (ASSW)
» Psychologists (See psychology associations below)
Australian Psychological Society (APS)
Australian Clinical Psychology Association (ACPA)
Australian Association of Psychologists (AAPI)
» Psychotherapists
Psychotherapy & Counselling Federation Australia (PACFA)
» Mental Health Nurses
Australian College of Mental Health Nurses (ACMHN)
» Counsellors
Australian Counselling Association (ACA)
» Occupational Therapists
Occupational Therapy Australia (OTA)
» Creative Therapists eg. Art therapists
This is an area gaining much interest in Australia and overseas. Art Psychotherapists are professionally registered with the Australian, New Zealand & Asian Creative Arts Therapies Association (ANZACATA) and The Australian Counselling Association (ACA).
Finding the right health professional for you can be take some time and patience. This can sometimes be made easier by calling the practice to find out a bit more about the interests and skills of the health practitioner before obtaining a referral. The Australian BPD Foundation has provided sector training in Brisbane, Gold Coast and Townsville and you can ask the health practitioner if they have attended BPD training. The Foundation also has a range of resources including online training to help the sector deliver quality care which includes online options.
Medicare Benefit Scheme- Psychiatrist
A Medicare rebate is available to help cover the cost of seeing a psychiatrist. Fees vary, there are some bulk billing psychiatrists who tend to be linked to a GP super-clinic which offer a range of health professionals in the one centre. The difference between what Medicare provide and the cost of service charged is called ‘the gap’. You can contact the practice to ask how much their gap fee will be.
Medicate Benefit Scheme- Allied Health
Medicare rebates under the Better Access Scheme for allied health professionals (psychologists - clinical or registered, and eligible social workers and occupational therapists) are available for people who require supports for their mental health. These can provide up to 10 sessions per calendar year but do not necessarily cover the full cost of a session. You can contact the practice to ask how much their gap fee will be. Access to the scheme requires a referral and a Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP) from a GP.
Primary Health Networks
Some PHN’s also provide funding to non-government providers to deliver targeted psychological therapies in urgent situations and special conditions. Contact your local PHN to find a provider (details above).
Private Health Insurance
If you have private health insurance and extras cover, you may be able to claim part of a registered professional clinician’s fee. We recommend you contact your health fund to check your level of cover, amount reimbursed and if there is a waiting period for a new membership.
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
The NDIS can now be accessed by people with significant functional impairment due to a psychosocial disability. Accessing the scheme requires a formal application and evidence of this impairment. You will be required to provide reports prepared by treating health professionals including the GP, psychiatrist, and allied health professionals. A specific evidence of psychosocial disability form is required. The access process can be obtained from the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) who implement the scheme by contacting them on 1800 800 110. Further information can be found on the website and guidance can be found on:
NDIS: Evidence of Psychosocial Disability Form
Peer Support
The recognition of the importance and value of peer support is rapidly expanding:
» BROOKred is an inclusive peer run community in Brisbane with four centres. Services include DBT groups, Alt2Su groups, and other supports for suicidal distress, warm phone referral line, counselling and more. Ph: (07) 3343 9282 E: enquiries@brookred.org.au
» Alt2Su (Alternatives to Suicide) are peer-to-peer mutual support groups providing a space for voicing, sitting with, understanding and moving through suicidal thoughts. There is currently a Alt2Su group held from 6:30 to 8:00pm at The Social Space, 21 Clifton St, Moorooka. There are also several national groups currently available via zoom.
Connect ATS Groups Discharged ALT groups
» Safe Spaces and Safe Havens provide the space for people experiencing suicidal thoughts and feelings or emotional distress to access support when they need it, in a calm and caring environment. Safe Spaces and Safe Havens are staffed by Peer Support Workers and non-clinical or clinical Mental Health Support Workers and promote the wellbeing of people through assistance and support to manage their experience of distress, both current and in the future, and reduce the need for people to access emergency departments when they are feeling unsafe. There is no referral or diagnosis required to visit, and any person can use the space.
» SANE Australia offers two online moderated forums 1) for people with lived experience and another for friends, family & carers and 2) the opportunity to connect with join peer group chat or connect with a peer worker (not BPD specific).
» Roses in the Ocean offer a Suicide Prevention Peer Care Connect warmline. 1800 77 7337 - a ‘warmline’ call-back service to provide a safe place for people with a lived experience of suicidality to connect
with others with a similar lived experience of suicide. This is not a crisis line.
Organisations and Services supporting the LGBTIQA+ community (NB not specific for BPD) Need to scroll down to access Queensland links.
Please also refer to our page of resources for carers.
Additional resources can be accessed by families/carers contacting the 1300 MHCALL or 1300 64 22 55
The following websites also offer additional resources:
* Carer gateway Tel: 1800 422 737 (Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm)
* NEABPD-Australia
* Arafmi Qld Carer Support Line 1300 554 660 (24/7) + support group for family, friends, carers (online) supporting a person living with BPD
* Wellways 1300 111 400
* Mind Australia - Qld 1300 554 660
* Carers Queensland CALD program 1800 242 636
Programs are available for Youth, Dual Diagnosis [BPD and dependence on drugs and/or alcohol], Dual Disability [BPD and intellectual challenges] Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, LGBTIQA+, CALD (culturally and linguistically diverse) communities.
Each Queensland Hospital and Health Service has designated specialist services for people who identify as complex needs. The type and quality vary from area to area and time to time. Best to contact the Qld Mental Health Helpline for up-to-date information 1300 MHCALL or 1800 6422
Non-Government Organisations [NGOs] also provide additional extensive treatment and supports.
Feedback and complaints can lead to improved services and experiences for everyone. If you have concerns, complaints or grievances about access to services you may wish to speak with the managers/complaints officers of the service involved.
If you have a complaint that you don’t feel has been addressed by the service, you can raise your complaint through the Queensland Office of the Health Ombudsman. Phone: 133 646
Office of the Chief Psychiatrist, Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs Branch, Department of Health, PO Box 2368, Fortitude Valley BC, QLD 4006, email ; phone 1800 989 451 or (07) 3328 9899.
Disability advocacy is acting, speaking or writing to promote, protect and defend the human rights of people with disability. An advocate acts as an independent person in relation to a person with disability. They are independent of service providers; assist the person to exercise choice and control and to have their voice heard in matters that affect them and importantly are free of relevant conflicts of interest.
If you need support to manage a complaint or access to services, you may seek support from an advocacy agency.
» Australian Federation of Disability Organisations Phone: (02) 6198 3361 or Toll-free: 1800 219 969
» Disability Advocacy Finder (Australian Government); Email
» Disability Gateway Phone: 1800 643 787
A guide to Adult Mental Health Services and DBT groups in Metro North Brisbane (including Moreton Bay and parts of Somerset).
Intake, assessment, triage and referral service for northern Queensland mental health services. Tel: 1300 020 390
Queensland Alliance for Mental Health (QAMH):
They support their members and the wider mental health community in meeting the needs of people who have lived experience with mental health issues.
Head To Health Townsville Drop in Centre
Caring, friendly and helpful mental health and wellbeing support in a calm, safe, and welcoming environment at 32 Walker Street, Townsville. Open 10:00 am to 10:00 pm Monday to Friday and 12:00 pm Midday to 10:00 pm on Weekends. Located at 32 Walker Street, Townsville. Ph: 07 4766 8444
They offer offer comprehensive DBT (group, individual, phone coaching) program and the clinicians attend weekly consultation. Ph: 07 3856 0004 email.
Standalone skills groups (Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation and Interpersonal Effectiveness, with Mindfulness woven in all of them). The groups are primarily in-person or zoom may be offered for those who can’t attend in-person. Each module goes for 8 weeks. Diagnosis of BPD is not needed and groups are for clients not currently at high risk of suicide. Email or ring 0429897091. Download flyer.
Living and Learning Centre (Strathpine)
Offers coaching and wellbeing support for people living in the North Brisbane and Pine Rivers area experiencing emerging, moderate or severe mental health concerns. Offers one-on-one and group sessions, integrating mental health and wellbeing coaching with access to psychosocial and clinical support. Also offers DBT groups. Ph: 07 3493 6780 E: livingandlearning@neaminational.org.au
Youth Empowered Towards Independence (YETI)
YETI supports young people (12-25) who live in Far North Queensland from our safe, free and friendly space in Cairns. (Not BPD specific).